Showing 20 of 27 results
Sun Covers Wrong Butts
Postmedia falls for parody account that was barely even trying
Sun Boss Goes To Work For Doug Ford
In an official capacity, this time
Short Cuts
#193 Hate Laundry
Two big Toronto papers got some things horribly wrong. The Sun has been censured by the National NewsMedia Council for its fictitious goat-slaughtering story, and The Sun and Star both recklessly outed a sex worker for no justifiable purpose.
Sun And Star Out Sex Worker
The Sun also got the story wrong in its front-page headline
Short Cuts
#184 The Toronto Sun Is Going To Get Somebody Killed
The entirely credible reports of a Toronto Sun "investigative columnist" ritually sacrificing scapegoats, and the pivotal role Facebook played in the creation of video at the expense of news.
Right-Wing Commentators With A Persecution Complex Is Nothing New
A man aggressively grabbed a Sun journalist’s hat, the Sun demanded it be a dominant story in that week’s news cycle, and the...
What We Know About The Assault On Sun Photographer Stan Behal
The full video and a new witness account help flesh out the context of the hat-snatching that reportedly caused a concussion
A Growing List Of People Who Have Renewed Ties With The Rebel
A year since Charlottesville, mainstream media figures have begun returning to Ezra Levant's far-right outlet
The Toronto Sun’s Islamophobia Problem Is Even Worse Than You Might Think
No longer does one have to trawl the darker corners of Reddit for anti-Muslim conspiracy theories
How The Toronto Sun Serves To Advance A Bigoted Narrative
With its reporting staff gutted in recent years, the paper now relies on a handful of columnists to cover much of the news.