Showing of 5 results
Wag the Doug
Queen’s Park and Gaza
When the Speaker decreed that keffiyehs were verboten at Queen’s Park, even Doug Ford agreed that that was a bad call. But that came in the midst of a hotly-contested by-election in the 905 — and now that it’s finished, so is his party’s long nightmare of uncharacteristic open-mindedness.
The Columnist Who Covers Doug Ford for the Toronto Sun Lives with Doug Ford’s Press Secretary
Brian Lilley has been involved with Ivana Yelich since at least 2019
These Appear To Be The Toronto Sun’s Provincial Election Plans
Document sets out strategy for "exposing the Liberal record during the campaign and advocating for change"
Independent Journalist Blocked From Ontario Legislature After CANADALAND Interview
After appearing on CANADALAND to speak about being denied access to the Ontario legislature, reporter Allison Smith was once again not allowed to...
#124 Second Class Journalists
Should journalists have control over what other journalists have access to? Allison Smith is the publisher of Queen's Park Today, a daily news website that reports on Ontario politics. For the last four years, the Queen's Park Press Gallery - a group of journalists - has denied her membership on dubious grounds.