Showing of 45 results
#34 Journalisme cathartique
Comment amener les gens à s'intéresser à ce qui se passe dans le reste de la planète ? How do you get people to care about what is going on in the rest of the planet?
#922 Foreign Influence: How Castro and a Belgian Brought Violent Revolution to Quebec
What connects Fidel Castro and a stocky Belgian named Georges to the worst campaign of political violence in modern Canadian history?
#10 Mauvais Québécois
La notion du Québec bashing a provoqué un déferlement de réactions dans les médias en français et en anglais suite à la nomination d'Amira Elghawaby comme représentante spéciale dans la lutte contre l'islamophobie. Puis quel est le lien entre les anglophones du Québec et les francophones dans le reste du pays face à la réforme de la Loi sur les langues officielles ? Émilie Nicolas anime cet épisode de Détours avec Frédéric Bérard.
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#855 Don’t Call Quebec Racist, They’re Sensitive About It
Quebec’s overblown backlash to the appointment of Amira Elghawaby as special representative on combatting Islamophobia in response to her analysis of a poll from back in 2019. And is the government telling us to only drink two alcoholic beverages a week? Sarah Hagi co-hosts.
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#821 Quebec Election Pop Quiz
Emilie Nicolas and Toula Drimonis break down the Quebec election for those outside of the Quebec bubble
Amir Attaran on “state-sponsored racism” in Quebec
The controversial professor says his privilege creates an obligation "to speak the truth about what I believe"
MINING #2 – Life and Death in Asbestos, QC
For a century, Canada was one of the world’s leading exporters of asbestos, most of it mined from the small town of Asbestos, Quebec. But during that time, governments and corporations in Canada did everything they could to hide the fact that asbestos is deadly.
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#307 The Quebec Variant
Media reacts to a perplexing Court decision on Bill 21, Quebec’s law banning some public servants from wearing religious symbols. And Rebel News is facing new scrutiny.
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#302 Picky With The Sticky
Are all of these stories about vaccine efficacy doing more harm than good? And Canadian politicians are following a road paved by Trump, singling out critics for scorn.
What’s going on in Haiti and what Canada has to do with it
"We, the Haitian people, are telling the president that we will not go back into a dictatorship," says democracy activist Vélina Elysée Charlier