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The kinds of people the PPC keeps attracting
While few who support the party likely consider themselves racist, "they provide cover for those who are overtly racist and seek to use the...
#717 Is the PPC racist?
It’s a question that has dogged the PPC since its inception. A question that leader Maxime Bernier blasted journalists for even coming close to asking.
Short Cuts
#716 Michaelmania
The release of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig shows what China really thinks about Canada. And Maxime Bernier asks his followers to "play dirty" with reporters. Jan Wong co-hosts.
The Backbench
#14 A Conversation With A PPC Voter
This week, we bring you something different: an in-depth chat with a People’s Party of Canada supporter. Derek Taylor emailed Fatima after she called the party racist. He agreed to an interview. Derek gets into how he heard about the party, why he supports them, and the direction the party has taken since its creation in 2018.