Cheryl Thompson joins to help walk us through Canada’s history with blackface and why this story is not about race.
September 29, 2019
Canadian Media Should Recognize Itself In Trudeau’s Racism
Not only is the country's media unequipped to cover racism such as Trudeau’s — it is actively perpetuating it
September 26, 2019
By Shailee Koranne
Short Cuts
#231 How Did Trudeau Get a 20-Year Pass On Blackface?
Trudeau in blackface, 3 times: how did we miss that? And Canada’s reporters bravely declare their independence - from their own union.
September 26, 2019
Wag the Doug
#13 Doug Ford Is Toxic To Andrew Scheer
Justin Trudeau won't stop saying "Doug Ford" while Andrew Scheer is going to absurd lengths to avoid acknowledging the Ontario Premier's existence whatsoever. So we take a look at how Doug is playing a role in the federal election.
September 25, 2019
#41 Let’s Talk Tech! … And Blackface
Could all those images of Trudeau in blackface open the door for a more meaningful campaign? And we talk Canada's growing tech scene. What's it done with federal money—and what are the parties talking about now?
September 24, 2019
There Is A Second Photo Of Justin Trudeau In Brownface
And it's arguably even worse
September 19, 2019
By Robert Jago
#40 A Modest Plan To Eat The Rich
The campaign is on! Finally! Who won the first Trudeau-less debate? And why the other parties should actually listen to the NDP's wealth tax plan.
September 17, 2019
Short Cuts
#228 Disaster Porn, Boat Crash, Netflix PM
Sexy Hurricane Headlines: “Dorian Relentlessly Pounds Bahamas” - What is up with the disaster porn? And Justin Trudeau’s Malaysian ancestry, and other things we learned on Netflix.
September 5, 2019
Short Cuts
#227 Scandal? What Scandal?
Is the press protecting the liberal party? And the debate about climate change somehow continues and Elections Canada suggested we might not be allowed to have it. Former crown prosecutor and National Observer contributor Sandy Garossino co-hosts.
August 22, 2019
Short Cuts
#220 That’s What You Get When You Draw A Political Cartoon That Doesn’t Suck
A Canadian cartoonist drew a provocative image of Trump, blithely ignorant of the fatal consequences of his border policy. After it blew up online, the cartoonist was let go from the company who'd published his work for 17 years. And what was with that viral clip of Trudeau getting "snubbed" at G20?