Showing of 91 results
Short Cuts
#103 You Cannot Embarrass Us Into Voting Rationally
Christy Clark gets written up in the NYTimes for accepting $50,000 from the BC Liberals. Justin Trudeau enjoys identifying with immigrants on occasion. Student activists pull the old bait-and-switch on Justin Trudeau. Kevin O'Leary enters the Conservative leadership campaign.
Short Cuts
#101 Joseph Boyden: Two Worlds, Two Debates
Joseph Boyden is a celebrated, award-winning indigenous novelist - who might not actually be native.
It’s Like Scrabble In India
Leanne Simpson learns to work with the noise. Scrabble opens deep wounds in Delhi. Golboo Amani unsettles Catan.
Tanya Tagaq Is Unreconciled
Tanya Tagaq opens up to Aliya before the release of her new album, Retribution.
A Hat Trick Of Deceit: First Nations And The LNG Project
On last week's show, Bloomberg's Josh Wingrove predicted energy projects would put an end to the Trudeau government's honeymoon. Now we have a test case.
Conservative Leadership Showdown Part 2: Tony Clement & Maxime Bernier
Our quest to get to know all the Conservative leadership contenders continues with Tony Clement and Maxime Bernier.
MMIW: What Justice Means for a Family Member
We talk to Maggie Cywink about the upcoming inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women. Her sister Sonya Cywink was murdered over 20 years ago and the case remains unsolved.
Can a Conservative Be a Feminist?
Should a politician's voting record prevent her from speaking up about sexism? Why protestors were living inside the offices of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada across the country. And Mike Duffy's acquitted. Jane Lytvenenko joins Supriya Dwivedi.
#120 Indigenous Media Roundtable
Most Canadians don't hear about the stories Indigenous peoples tell within their communities. Mainstream media only covers the most tragic events affecting Indigenous communities — if it chooses to cover them at all. Now, alternative digital platforms have created an opportunity for these stories to travel outside the communities they are about.
Don’t Let Harper Happen Here: Wab Kinew on Entering Politics
Wab Kinew talks about systemic racism against Indigenous peoples in Canada and why he's turned to politics to try to make the changes he wants to see.