Showing of 434 results
Short Cuts
#791 Imperfect Behaviour
A scandal in Canada's sacred sport. And can journalists do more to unpack the crypto craze and crash? Emilie Nicolas fills in for Jesse and Julian McKenzie co-hosts.
The Backbench
#40 Justinflation Or Chrystia Frecession
What is happening to the Canadian economy? Stephen Gordon, director of the department of economics at Université Laval, helps unpack the ins and outs of the Bank of Canada, an institution we know little about. He talks to Fatima about the worries of a hyper-politicized economy and helps us understand how the next months under this economic turmoil will unfold.
#790 The Dubious Botanist
Steven Newmaster, a botany professor, once shone a light on the nutritional supplement industry and called them frauds. Now, the light is being shone on him by his colleagues. And boy, buckle up because this story is a wild ride.
Short Cuts
#789 Correction? Recession? Celebration!
In the midst of a climate crisis, why do we continue to report business news as usual? And is Minister Mendicino being mendacious over the Emergencies Act when he says police advised the government to invoke it? John Woodside, climate reporter for Canada's National Observer co-hosts. 
The Backbench
#39 Does Voting Have To Suck?
Could changing Canada’s electoral system solve the crisis of voter apathy? Today, we dive into electoral reform. Plus, a new bill that would give border guards wide discretion to search our phones and computers.
#788 The Baristas Vs. Starbucks
A wave of retail and service sector workers are unionizing their workplaces, pushing back against anti-union practices. Why is this happening now? And can workers win in the long run?
#2 La chimère canadienne
Devenir propriétaire d’une maison n'est rien d'autre qu'une chimère pour des canadiens à travers le pays. Et qu’est-ce qui s’est passé avec la couverture médiatique de l’élection ontarienne ? Emilie Nicolas anime cet épisode de Détours avec Émilie Gougeon Pelletier. English: Owning a home is nothing short of a pipe dream for Canadians across the country. And what happened with the media coverage of the Ontario election? Emilie Nicolas hosts this episode of Détours with Émilie Gougeon Pelletier. 
Short Cuts
#787 The Youtuber Uprising
Finding misinformation in the Quebec government's misinformation campaign on Bill 96. And why Tiktokers are speaking out against Bill C-11. Lela Savić co-hosts.
The Backbench
#38 Notes From a Young Progressive Conservative
Shiv Ruparell is a young, transit-loving, urban bike advocate. He’s also a conservative, born and raised in Alberta, who has been active in politics at all levels. He talks to Fatima his view of conservative politics right now and why he remains optimistic about our political future. 
#786 Digging For Doubt
Ostensibly the idea was to do media criticism. That is what the article, The Year Of The Graves, in the National Post set out to do: correct errors in how the discovery of unmarked graves was reported. But that was not its impact.