Showing of 434 results
The Backbench
#51 Lost In Inflation
Financial Minister Chrystia Freeland’s mini-budget is at your service to save us from inflation. Or is it Justin-flation? This week our host, Mattea Roach, is joined by Emilie Nicolas, Murad Hemmadi, and Nick-Taylor Vaisey to talk about the effectiveness of the proposed budget, the impending recession, and the “costly-coalition.” They also tackle the increasingly common use of the notwithstanding clause—what does it mean, and should we be worried?
Chapter Three: The Trojan Horse
Thanks to David Wallace and Richard Marsh, the Klondike Papers blew up online - and nothing garnered more attention than Wallace’s claim that there was a plot to get rid of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  Could it be true? Cherise and Jesse try to get to the bottom of what actually happened, and in doing so discover a complex network of Brethren business with extensive political connections around the globe. 
#832 Ratfucker Chapter Three: The Trojan Horse
Thanks to David Wallace and Richard Marsh, the Klondike Papers blew up online - and nothing garnered more attention than Wallace’s claim that there was a plot to get rid of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Could it be true? Cherise and Jesse try to get to the bottom of what actually happened, and in doing so discover a complex network of Brethren business with extensive political connections around the globe.
#7 Option nucléaire
Le calcul politique de Doug Ford se retourne contre lui alors que les Ontarien.nes démontrent leur soutien aux travailleurs et travailleuses de l'éducation suite à la tentative du gouvernement provincial d'empêcher une grève historique. Puis quelle est la conversation entourant le bilinguisme au Nouveau-Brunswick suite à la nomination controversée de Kris Austin au Comité de révision de la Loi sur les langues officielles ? Emilie Nicolas anime cet épisode de Détours avec Stéphanie Chouinard.
Wag the Doug
#48 CUPE Ki Yay, MotherFORDer!
This week, Doug Ford learned that while it’s stunningly easy to toss out constitutional rights, it’s a heck of a lot harder to get away with that.
Chapter Two: The Brethren
Richard Marsh was born into the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. He got out of the group he calls a cult and has made it his mission to expose the Brethren for their alleged abuses.  Now he’s on the run from Brethren members who’ve been searching for him for years. The man hired to hunt Marsh down? David Wallace. 
#830 Ratfucker Chapter Two: The Brethren
Richard Marsh was born into the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. He got out of the group he calls a cult and has made it his mission to expose the Brethren for their alleged abuses.  Now he’s on the run from Brethren members who’ve been searching for him for years. The man hired to hunt Marsh down? David Wallace. 
Short Cuts
#829 Hate Crimes Against Nazis
The curious case of a journalist charged with the vandalism of a Nazi statue. And the first order of business for 10 newly elected politicians in Hamilton is to boycott the local newspaper. Jeremy Appel co-hosts. 
Chapter One: The Klondike Papers
Meet David Wallace, political fixer and dirty tricks operative. After a career in the shadows, he’s turned whistleblower, leaking his files and sparking a conspiracy theory. But why? And can he be trusted?
#828 Ratfucker
Meet David Wallace, political fixer and dirty tricks operative. After a career in the shadows, he’s turned whistleblower, leaking his files and sparking a conspiracy theory. But why? And can he be trusted?