Showing of 29 results
#264 Quebec’s Fake News Problem
In English media, there are whole organizations and departments devoted to debunking fake news. But in Quebec, a lot of the work falls to one guy: Jeff Yates. He talks to guest host Brigitte Noël about the unique challenges of combatting fake news in French and why he thinks it's time to destigmatize sharing bogus stories.
The Far-Right Grassroots Movement Taking Over Canada
The Canadian version of the Yellow Vests has little in common with its origins in France
#262 Meet Canada’s Pro-Oil, Anti-Immigrant Yellow Vest Movement
What do warnings of globalism, support for pipelines and calls to execute Trudeau have in common? They're all part of the rhetoric of the Canadian Yellow Vests. CANADALAND producer David Crosbie investigates how a French working class protest against a fuel tax has inspired a right-wing, populist movement holding recurring rallies across Canada.
No, Don Cherry Isn’t Selling Penis Pills
From copying the CBC website, to claiming female anchors are leaving to start a skincare business, CANADALAND explains the tricks scammers use to...
#254 An Issue Worth Torching Your Job Over
After 25 years at the CBC, tech columnist Jesse Hirsh decided to risk it all. During an interview about Facebook, he turned the tables, asking why CBC continues to promote Facebook after we've seen what that company has done to undermine democracy.  CBC refused to post the segment online, raising questions about what you can and cannot say on our public broadcaster. 
Short Cuts
#189 The Media’s The Problem
Despite bringing the horrifying events at a private school in Toronto to the attention of police, the media have been getting some backlash from parents. A CBC columnist dared to call out the CBC on its Facebook practices, and Jesse makes some connections on the CANADALAND conspiracy cork board.
Short Cuts
#184 The Toronto Sun Is Going To Get Somebody Killed
The entirely credible reports of a Toronto Sun "investigative columnist" ritually sacrificing scapegoats, and the pivotal role Facebook played in the creation of video at the expense of news.
Short Cuts
#163 The Indoctrination Of Alexandre Bissonnette
A look at the media diet of Alexandre Bissonnette, charged with the January, 2017 terror attack at a Quebec City mosque that killed six and wounded nineteen, plus Facebook continues its Canadian outreach program.
#224 How To Un-F**k The Internet
"It's the wild west out there right now, and for lots of people that means it's really dangerous and their experience is horrible."
Facebook Still Doesn’t Get It
Their PR rep may have felt they were reaching out in good faith, but the company can no longer be assumed to be in good faith with the public at all.