Showing of 80 results
Wag the Doug
#33 Yes, He Won’t
How do you put a smiling, election-ready face on a government that’s done little but slash regulations and mismanage a pandemic? That calls for a brand refresh!
Wag the Doug
#32 Anatomy Of A Flip-Flop
Doug Ford used to oppose vaccine passports. Now’s he super in favour. That he changed his mind wasn’t surprising; that he did so before Ontario hit a new crisis point was. With Allison in New York, where she’s coming to love her vaccine passport, she and Jonathan pore over clues as to why Ford reversed himself sooner rather than later. What does it take to change the premier’s mind?
#365 An App For Landlords To Blacklist Tenants
The Landlord Credit Bureau lets landlords review their tenants and report their payment habits.
Short Cuts
#304 Pitchforks And Needles
An uprising of frontline workers forces change to COVID policies. And with a major merger in the works, a telecom giant makes the case that less competition is good for Canada.
The Columnist Who Covers Doug Ford for the Toronto Sun Lives with Doug Ford’s Press Secretary
Brian Lilley has been involved with Ivana Yelich since at least 2019
Wag the Doug
#24 The Second Annual Douggie Awards
It’s the second annual Douggie Awards, where Allison and Jonathan take stock of all the hilarity and abject horror that was the Year in Ford. Who carries home the trophies for “Best Sycophant,” “Most Surreal Moment,” and the always-popular “Most Blatant Conflict of Interest”? Take a stroll down the shoddily constructed blue carpet and join us as we celebrate the worst that Ontario has to offer.
Wag the Doug
#22 Law & Forder
Except when they’re investigating members of his family, Doug Ford really loves the police. So much so that, earlier this year, when calls for defunding became inescapable, he responded by giving them more money.
Short Cuts
#282 Reconciliation In Flames
Hulk smash colonialism! And public health messaging crosses a line when trick or treating directives are unclear.
Wag the Doug
#21 Epidemiology And The Infinite Sadness
To be caught off guard by Covid’s first wave was misfortunate. To be caught off guard by its second looks like carelessness.
Short Cuts
#280 The Socialist Coup You Can Trust
A trifecta of powerful (potentially socialist) forces rally behind #NationalNewspaperWeek — or not. And the bias of coherence muddles COVID-19 messaging.