Showing of 77 results
Wag the Doug
#60 I Logged On to a Mining Ring of Fire
Until just a few years ago, staking a mining claim in Ontario demanded banging physical posts in the ground. Now, you can simply head online and click a square on a map.
Short Cuts
#933 Buffy Sainte-Marie: Coincidence or Likely Stories?
It was impossible to look away once CBC released the story and Fifth Estate documentary questioning Buffy Sainte-Marie’s Indigenous identity. How well did the CBC do in its reporting?
Wag the Doug
#59 Doug Ford’s House of Horrors
Some say Queen’s Park is haunted. Others say it’s merely possessed by the Progressive Conservatives. Either way, there’s some spooky stuff going down.
Wag the Doug
#58 Roll Up for the Mr. X Tour
With his polls diving, housing minister resigning, and ill-begotten Greenbelt scheme unravelling, what’s a Doug Ford to do? Why, talk about anything else, of course!
The Backbench
#73 Students in Strip Malls
We’re busy preparing for our upcoming live events and working away on an exciting fall season, so we’re bringing you an episode from our friends Allison Smith and Jonathan Goldsbie on Wag the Doug  – a monthly podcast that grapples with the realities of the Ford government in Ontario. 
Short Cuts
#911 Pierre Don’t Care
Does Pierre Poilievre touting conspiracy theories count as news?
Wag the Doug
#57 Greenbelt: The Movie
Allison and Jonathan look at the ways the Greenbelt story could be told on screen and who’d be best suited to star in it.
Wag the Doug
#56 Students in Strip Malls
How did a Doug Ford policy move from 2019 lead to 10,000s of international students schlepping their backpacks to strip malls across the GTA?
Wag the Doug
#55 102 People Who Are Not Doug Ford
Toronto is in the midst of its most exciting election in a decade, tickling us with the possibility of hope.
Wag the Doug
#54 A Deep Dive Into Doug Ford’s Obsession with Smile Cookies
This month, Allison and Jonathan peer into Ford’s parallel fixations on law enforcement and cookies. To him, there isn’t a problem that one or the other (or both) can’t solve.