Showing of 67 results
The Backbench
#25 Contradictions In Conflict
As the war in Ukraine escalates and Canadian leaders head to Europe, we assess the economic and military responses so far. And despite fully grasping the severity of Russian aggression, we want to know: Why does Canada's response to conflict vary so much depending on the country? This week's contributors: Drew Brown, Caroline Elliott, Jaskaran Sandhu
The Backbench
#24 In Case of An Emergency
As the Emergencies Act passes and border blockades come down, we examine what impacts the Act and the satellite protests had domestically and internationally. And Canada decides to step up in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia – and it’s unclear exactly why.
Short Cuts
#753 Wrong 2: Wrong Harder
Angry, bias-confirming echo chambers seem evident this week when it comes to the Freedom Convoy. And "a Toronto star at the Toronto Star" dies this week and Jesse dares to speak ill - or at least some truth - about the dead. Maclean's senior writer Paul Wells co-hosts. 
The Backbench
#23 Maximum Chaos
The 2022 Freedom Convoy has taken over Ottawa, both the city and the political discourse. Why is the federal government so paralyzed by it and will it have a long-term impact on Canadian politics? And as the Conservative Party steps into the post-Erin O'Toole era, we try to figure out what "true blue" means now and whether it has Trumpian characteristics.
The Backbench
#22 The NDP’s Progressive Struggles
People have been declaring that they have stopped donating their money and/or time to the NDP recently. Why is the NDP struggling to retain self-described progressives? What is the party's role in federal politics today?
The Backbench
#20 Economy As Entertainment?
Political showmanship about #Justinflation abound, just as the Liberal government is set to release their Fall Economic Statement this week. And it's our last episode of 2021! We offer some highlights and lowlights of the year.
The Backbench
#19 A Bill That’s Ideally Never Used
BC's emergency on top of emergency has us wondering where the federal government needs to step in. And the latest "lockdown bill" and Throne Speech reveals where our federal government is at.
The Backbench
#18 A Cynical Guide To COP26
Prime Minister Trudeau celebrated Canada's role at COP26 - but what is there to celebrate really? And Conservatives MPs try to start a 'civil liberties caucus' while the Liberal caucus vote not to empower themselves. 
The Backbench
#17 A Money Manel: Equalization & Inflation
Alberta thinks it made a "powerful" statement to Ottawa this week. And the Bank of Canada says inflation is persistent, which can also be perceived as good news if you look really hard.
The Backbench
#16 Two Former MPs Dish On China & Climate
We invited former MPs on because it was supposed to be the first week of Parliament. It got pushed back, but we get into what the first days of Parliament are like and what issues this government will be inheriting anyway.