Showing of 210 results
Short Cuts
#240 Purified By Hatred
More details have emerged about Warren Kinsella’s secret work to expose Maxime Bernier as a racist. And what’s at stake as the CBC renegotiates its licence to broadcast in Canada?
Short Cuts
#239 StarMetro Hunger Games
Torstar announced the closure of five papers across Canada, CBC tried to consolidate broadcasts across its radio stations in the North, and Don Cherry returned with an expertly produced podcast.
CBC Had Employee Delete Tweet Critical Of Don Cherry
Tweet calling out racism was deemed an inappropriate expression of a personal opinion on a controversial subject
Short Cuts
#238 What Don Cherry Means To Me
Don Cherry drafts his first Quillette essay: “The Day the Social Media Mob Came for Me.” Also, opinion writing in Canada post-Margaret Wente is pretty much the same.
#302 Is The Extreme Right Finished In Canada?
Has the rise of the far-right in Canada been exaggerated?
Short Cuts
#236 The New York Times’ Trauma Porn Beat
The New York Times’ Canada bureau chief goes up to visit an Inuit community three times so she must know what she’s talking about… right? Also, podcasting is getting way too popular.
Short Cuts
#235 Creepy Hologram Prime Minister
Thank God, it's over - last sound off about how dull the 2019 election coverage was, we promise. Plus, Star Metro journalists cry fake news at activists pretending climate propaganda is the real thing.
Short Cuts
#234 The CBC’s Very Dumb Lawsuit
The CBC sues the Conservative Party of Canada for copying them! Plus, Toronto journalists and writers push back on the kind of space public libraries should be. 
The CBC Has Damaged Rosemary Barton’s Brand, And Its Own
"A total lack of political savvy, another boneheaded move,” says one CBC journalist of the broadcaster's suit against the Conservatives
CBC Radio And The Creep Of White Supremacy
Soft-focus treatment of candidate Renata Ford is final proof that the far-right People's Party has already been normalized