Showing of 209 results
Short Cuts
#26 Horny Press/Zehaf-Bibeau Video/Khadr Doc
Freelance journalist Adrian MacNair on the press' spring fever, the RCMP's release of 18 missing seconds of the Michael Zehaf-Bibeau video, and the CBC's Omar Khadr documentary.
#34 The Linden MacIntyre Interview
"I don't have to be nice to them anymore."
For Evan Solomon, Elizabeth May’s Speech was a Democratic Crisis
For some reason, Elizabeth May's drunken press gallery speech was treated as the most important story in the country. To Evan Solomon, our whole...
CBC Not Totally Sold on Armenian Genocide
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide....
Short Cuts
#21 Senate Elections/Budget Boredom/RadioOnTheTV
Comedian/economist/"candidate" Scott Vrooman on the federal budget and CBC TV's "get 'er done" programming strategy.
What You Should Know about CBC’s Jian Ghomeshi Report
Today at 12:30, CBC English boss Heather Conway will hold a conference call with reporters to present findings from the independent investigation of...
CBC’s Top Brass Silent on Ghomeshi’s Coverup Claim
"I was given the choice to walk away quietly and to publicly suggest that this was my decision."...
CBC Documentary Edited by Insurance Company
Last week, the CBC aired Volunteers Unleashed, which is great because it's a well made and important documentary that should be seen. But gone are...
Ghomeshi Witness Won’t Participate With CBC Internal Investigation
CANADALAND has learned that former CBC employee Roberto Verì, the only person who has come forward to say he witnessed Jian Ghomeshi sexually abuse a...
Here’s the Footage that got a CBC Doc Pulled off the Air
CANADALAND has acquired a copy of Volunteers Unleashed, the CBC documentary on the "dark side" of voluntourism that was yanked from the broadcast...