A spectre is haunting Canada — the spectre of Communist China.
It’s a story of racism and labour exploitation that goes back decades, even centuries. And it’s a prophecy of what is to come — that the hardships inflicted on migrant farm workers are only a trial run for the rest of us.
We’re bringing you a special episode today from our friends at Commons. Over thirteen seasons, Commons has exposed Canada’s foundational reliance on monopolies, our addiction to real estate and the dark side of hockey. In their new season, host Arshy Mann is now dissecting the state of work in Canada to ask – how did we get here? And what can we do to fight back?
What is behind the near complete collapse of Canada’s role in peacekeeping around the world?
As Canadians prepare for a rare celestial event–a total solar eclipse–Jesse has one message: don’t look up!
To understand why the situation remains so bad, we need to go back in time to a moment when there was progress and hope. A moment when it looked like things might truly change for the better.
The story that no one asked for, but must be told. The story of one of Canada’s most popular entertainment exports ever. An oral history of the hit show, Just For Laughs Gags.
Que peut-on retenir d’un génocide ? Survivante Beata Umumbyeyi Mairesse embarque sur une réflexion profonde sur le génocide Tutsi du Rwanda et discute du rôle joué par les médias.
What can we learn from genocide? Survivor Beata Umumbyeyi Mairesse embarks on a deep reflection on the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda, and discusses the role played by the media.
Why are New Zealand libertarian think-tanks so into Canada’s Indigenous skyscrapers?
Across Canada, emergency rooms have been shutting down, leaving desperate people in the lurch. And at the heart of this health care crisis, is a labour crisis.