Archives: Episodes

WORK #16 – Boss Fight

July 3, 2024

This is the story of Canada’s first-ever video game union. And the lengths that the industry went to try to stop it in its tracks

Introducing: The Secret Life of Canada | Sorry not Sorry

July 2, 2024

We’re bringing you a special episode of a show we love! The Secret Life of Canada from CBC Podcasts is a podcast about the country you know and the stories you don’t.

#1002 Brain Disease ‘Mystery’ Still Unsolved, Scientists Say

July 1, 2024

Email leaks from medical experts throw new light on mysterious neurological disease in New Brunswick.


June 27, 2024

Owen and Laine take a refreshing dip into the lives of gay marine mammals, and the liberatory lessons we can learn from our Queer undersea kin. With: Cory Diane (composer); Dr. Janet Mann (Professor of Biology and Psychology at Georgetown University); Dr Alexis Pauline Gumbs (author of Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals)

#1001 Global: Spanked, Not SLAPPed

June 27, 2024

What’s going on in Han Dong’s defamation case against Global News?

WORK #15 – Canada’s New Underclass

June 26, 2024

The huge rise in international students in Canada — most of them from Punjab, India — has become one of the biggest stories in the country.

#1000 How They Crushed Wikileaks

June 24, 2024

Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, TOR, you’ve heard the names before. But why won’t anyone talk about Jacob Appelbaum?

#41 France: Tapis rouge pour l’extrême droite

June 22, 2024

En France, l’extrême droite est aux portes de l’Assemblée nationale et certains médias n’y sont pas étrangers. Détours décrypte comment la chaîne CNews a déroulé le tapis rouge à ces idées nauséabondes et permis de les faire entrer dans la sphère publique.

In France, the far right is at the gates of the National Assembly and some media are no strangers to it. Détours deciphers how CNews channel rolled out the red carpet for these nauseating ideas and allowed them to enter the public sphere.


June 20, 2024

Wherein Laine comes face-to-snout with real gay animals, then heads back to the studio for a conversation with Owen about the evolution of zoos, the lingering legacy of the Victorians, and the ultimate supremacy of gay elephant sex. With: Eliza Zeitlin from Humble Pig Animal Sanctuary and Dr. Laurel Braitman, author of Animal Madness: Inside Their Minds.

#999 (Short Cuts) Did Beijing Tamper With the Globe and Mail?

June 20, 2024

Can a newspaper commit treason? The NSICOP report singles out China as the biggest foreign influence on Canadian media (and it’s more than just advertorial inserts.)