Archives: Episodes

#98 Parliament is Back and More Childish Than Ever

September 24, 2024

Male bravado, tearing up friendship contracts and begging your enemies for support. Canadian politics – or the new season of Love Island? Tune in to make sense of the messy year ahead.

#1028 The Canadian Plan to Dig a Goldmine in the Amazon

September 23, 2024

A small Canadian firm wants to build the largest goldmine in Brazil. But there’s no shortage of questions, allegations, investigations and legal battles swirling around the proposed project. Are local subsistence miners making false claims to drive Canadian competition off their land? Are Canadian mining executives violating human rights for an estimated $8 billion payout? Why is the UN investigating? What should the role of the Canadian government be in all this?

#1027 Elon Musk’s Anti-Woke A.I. Sucks Too

September 20, 2024

Is this the era of the A.I. election? 

#1026 If Poilievre Wins With Batsh*t Memes, Will He Be a Batsh*t Prime Minister?

September 18, 2024

Paris Marx joins Justin Ling to consider the online discourse that is poisoning political discussion in Canada, and how Pierre Poilievre is taking advantage of it. 

The Worst Thing About Friends With Drag Star Queen Priyanka

September 18, 2024

Drag queen superstar Queen Priyanka admits to bullying white people and shares some of the worst things family and boyfriends have said about her drag career. Alan contemplates how to take a picture of his butthole.

#1025 The Case for NIMBYism

September 16, 2024

“…they finally found budget for security on July 7th of 2023, within a couple of hours of a local mother in our neighborhood being shot and killed during a dispute between three drug dealers outside of the injection site. That’s when they got security. They found the budget after the shooting.” – Derek Finkle

#47 Rokhaya & Emilie in Paris: racisme et sexisme dans les médias

September 14, 2024

Emily in Paris, version Détours! De passage en France, Emilie Nicolas a rencontré l’autrice, réalisatrice et journaliste Rokhaya Diallo pour parler de l’hostilité du milieu médiatique français et de l’affaire des viols de Mazan.

Emilie in Paris, Détours edition! Emilie meets the author, director and journalist Rokhaya Diallo to talk about the French media environment and the affair of the “Mazan rapes”.

#1024 Is Jagmeet Singh Actually Smart?

September 13, 2024

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh made a big show of divorcing his party from their alliance with the liberals.

#1023 Lauren Southern’s Strange Journey from Rebel to Tradwife to Paid Putin Stooge

September 11, 2024

The surprising Canadian connections to an alt-right influencer network that is alleged to have been funded by Russia.