Archives: Episodes

#1035 Israel: the Canadaland Interview

October 7, 2024

Israel’s Ambassador to Canada, Iddo Moed, sits down with Jesse for a candid and intense discussion about how Israel’s actions during the war are impacting Canadians.

#1034 Why Caitlin Clark Will Make Rogers Feel Stupid

October 4, 2024

Rogers buys Bell share of Maple Leaf Sports Entertainment for 4.7 billion–but how Ed Rogers’ power play whiffed on the Caitlin Clark era.

#5 The Worst Thing Rick Moody Ever Said to His Mother

October 2, 2024

Novelist Rick Moody (The Ice Storm) tells Alan about being an asshole in college, his aching knees, and still being haunted by hitting a deer years ago. Alan gets all verklempt when he realizes who he’s talking to.

#1033 Who Framed Pierre Poilievre?

October 2, 2024

A frankensteined edit from a Poilievre scrum causes a shitstorm for CTV News and Bell Media. Is it proof of malicious media bias or just a careless mistake?

#99 Canada’s Gutless Palestine Policy

October 1, 2024

While world leaders meet and Israel’s war on Gaza spreads, Canadian MPs are at odds over recognizing a Palestinian state.

#1031 The Biggest Art Fraud Ring in History

September 30, 2024

It was the largest art fraud in history. The sheer volume of rip-offs numbering in the thousands. And the scheme that shocked the art world sprang from, of all places, Thunder Bay. How did the fraudsters hatch such a plan from such an unlikely place? And what part did a cold case murder play in finally exposing their cultural crime?

#48 Vérité, Guérison, Restitution, Réconciliation

September 28, 2024

Peut-il vraiment y avoir réconciliation entre l’État colonial et les Peuples autochtones sans passer par la guérison et la restitution?

Is reconciliation between the colonial state and Indigenous peoples attainable without healing and restitution?

#1030 Rebel Rebel, Your QCJO Status is a Mess

September 27, 2024

Cue the sad trombone sounds for Rebel Media, who just lost an appeal to qualify for federal journalism tax credits. Where will they get funding from now?

#1029 Trudeau to Canadians in Lebanon: Good Luck, Babe!

September 25, 2024

Canada’s former ambassador to Israel, Norman Spector, joins to unpack the narratives and larger geopolitical context of the current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

#4 The Worst Thing About Being Positive, with Ron MacLean

September 25, 2024

Beloved Canadian sports broadcaster Ron MacLean (and longtime foil to Don Cherry) talks about infertility, professional anxiety and why he just doesn’t have it in him to be negative. Alan compares the interview to getting a colonoscopy.