July 17, 2024
Introducing Inside Kabul
We’re bringing you a special sneak preview of Inside Kabul, an Award Winning podcast from Radio France.. Canadaland is proud to premiere the English-language adaptation of this urgent and intimate podcast

Today we are bringing you a sneak preview of an incredibly urgent, deeply compelling piece of audio journalism from Radio France. It was originally broadcast in French and was heaped with critical acclaim including the most prestigious prize in radio, The Prix Italia. It has now been translated into English and we have the privilege of bringing it to you. It’s called Inside Kabul.


In the summer of 2021, the Taliban returns to power in Afghanistan and the destinies of two young women, Raha and Marwa, are forever changed. As they contemplate their futures, Raha and Marwa exchange and record hundreds of voice notes with noted French journalist Caroline Gillet.


What emerges is a raw and incredibly intimate chronicle of two young women coming of age amidst the collapse of the world they had known. Inside Kabul tells a universal story of friendship, bravery and the meaning of home. 

Shows like this cannot get made without you. Become a supporter and binge the entire season now, ad-free.

You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

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