Most Canadians don’t hear about the stories Indigenous peoples tell within their communities. Mainstream media only covers the most tragic events affecting Indigenous communities — if it chooses to cover them at all. Now, alternative digital platforms have created an opportunity for these stories to travel outside the communities they are about.
Maureen Googoo is the owner and editor of Kukukwes, a news website covering Indigenous news in Atlantic Canada. @MGoogoo
Leena Minifie is the editor of Ricochet’s Indigenous Reporting Fund. @LeenaMinifie
Jarrett Martineau is the co-founder & creative producer for Revolutions Per Minute, a music platform dedicated to discovering Indigenous culture, and a producer for VICELAND. @Culturite
Ryan McMahon is the creator of Red Man Laughing, a comedy podcast, and the founder of Indian & Cowboy, the world’s only listener-supported Indigenous Podcast network. @RMComedy
Waubgeshig Rice is a video journalist with CBC Ottawa. @Waub