Short Cuts
#805 Healthcare In Crisis
How many ways must healthcare break down before you can call it “collapsed”? And how can journalists be better supported when they receive threatening hate mail? Moira Wyton co-hosts with Jonathan Goldsbie.
Aviva Lessard
Senior Producer
Jonathan Goldsbie
News Editor
Tristan Capacchione
Audio Editor & Technical Producer
Kieran Oudshoorn
Managing Editor, Podcasts
How many ways must healthcare break down before you can call it “collapsed”? And how can journalists be better supported when they receive threatening hate mail? Moira Wyton co-hosts with Jonathan Goldsbie.
- CBC piece re: ‘unprecedented’ strain on health care
- Global news piece re: not unprecedented health care system
- Toronto Sun Opinion piece Brian Lilley
- Globe and Mail piece re: BC researchers excluded from drug decriminalization review
- CAJ’s Poisoned Well report
- The musical Tell Tale Harbour
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