Do we need to give equal weight to both sides of the abortion debate? And the Freedom Convoy returns, maybe. Jonathan Goldsbie fills in for Jesse and Rachel Cairns co-hosts.
Jonathan Goldsbie
News Editor
Aviva Lessard
Senior Producer
Tristan Capacchione
Audio Editor & Technical Producer
Kieran Oudshoorn
Managing Editor, Podcasts
Hosted by Jesse Brown
In covering the end of widespread reproductive freedom in the United States, the CBC goes the both-sides route. At what point should something be considered a human-rights issue and no longer subject to debate?
And the Convoy — or at least something similar — is set to rematerialize in Ottawa. What has the media learned since last time, and are we any closer to putting our finger on a diffuse movement that’s very different to different people? Jonathan Goldsbie fills in for Jesse and Rachel Cairns co-hosts.