April 18, 2022
#772 Landback, Then What?
Is it Indigenous stewardship ownership or is it becoming just another holographic bumper sticker? What does landback mean to you, and to your nations and homelands? And is there room for settlers in this movement? This is the first episode of a new 6-episode podcast called Canadalandback!  In it, we talk about what landback means, we host our first roundtable discussion and take you inside a land-based education program. 
Tristan Capacchione
Audio Editor & Technical Producer
Kieran Oudshoorn
Managing Editor, Podcasts

Is it Indigenous stewardship ownership or is it becoming just another holographic bumper sticker? What does landback mean to you, and to your nations and homelands? And is there room for settlers in this movement? This is the first episode of a new 6-episode podcast called Canadalandback!

In it, we talk about what landback means, we host our first roundtable discussion and take you inside a land-based education program.

Featured in this episode is: Kahsenniyo Williams, Jada-Gabrielle Pape, Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, Philip Brass, Sol Mamakwa, Piyeshiw Crane, Zacchary Fontaine, Kyla Lesage, Molly Swain, Chelsea Vowel, Maureen Googoo, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Inti Nemoga Stout, Riley Yesno, Autumn LaRose-Smith, Sam Achineepineskum, Jessica Johns, Willie Ermine and Gordie Liske and Randy Baillargeon.

We would also like to thank: Rachael Michael, Rick Harp, Jordan Koe, Patricia Johnson-Castle, and Dani Lanouette.

Further reading: 

Kahsenniyo Williams https://www.kahsenniyowilliams.com/

Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning https://www.dechinta.ca/

Support Canadaland at https://www.canadaland.com/join/

Additional music by Audio Network

Podcast artwork by Jessie Boulard

Sponsors: Oxio, Article

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