December 23, 2024
#1080 That Time We Bombed the Aurora Borealis
“…you have this attempt to actually change the Aurora Borealis. to affect it physically. This was called Project Waterhole. So they sent up a rocket with 100 kilograms of explosives, and exploded it in the Aurora Borealis band. Within two seconds, they had created a 40 kilometer wide hole in the Aurora Borealis.” - from The Forgotten Need to Probe the Sky
Jesse Brown
Host & Publisher
Caleb Thompson
Audio Editor
Bruce Thorson
Senior Producer
max collins
Director of Audio

Yes, Canada bombed the Aurora Borealis.

But can you actually scatter that northernmost light with explosives? Why would you even try? And explosive boom aside, can you, on a cold clear quiet night, hear the northern lights? What is the sound of the Aurora Borealis?

Nicolas Lachapelle and Eloise Demers Pinard, trekked to Churchill Manitoba, and beyond, to try and answer these questions.

And thats about as newsy and informational as things are gonna get.

Because as you will hear, todays episode sounds a little bit different. Its a bit more poetic than our regularly scheduled programming.

Or as our reporters will tell you, “…this is a story about that forgotten need to probe the sky and an epic journey through time and space on the edge of northern Canada.”

Happy Holidays.

Host: Jesse Brown


Produced, recorded and directed by Éloïse Demers Pinard and Nicolas Lachapelle.

In dialogue with the composer Welcome John.

Inspired by the visionary works of Tom Demers and Peter Mettler.

With the voices of Jeremy Allen, George Alexander St-Clair, Harry Tutuk, James Wells, Roland Sawatsky and Chris Campbell.

Narration by Jacqueline Van de Geer.

Field research by Alain James Rioux Dubé.

Archival research by Emma Brunet.

Sound design and mix by Antonin Wyss.

Linguistic revision by Maureen Roberge.

Graphic design by Max Rhéault and the Criterium Design bureau.

The archives are from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the Library and Archives Canada.

Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer)

Additional audio assistance: Caleb Thompson

Jesse Brown (Editor and Publisher)


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