Thanks for Explaining Racism to me, White People!

March 11, 2015

Robert Fulford, like the many other white, male writers engaged in perpetual war with their timeless enemy called “political correctness,” seems unable to fathom that conversations on racism are not meant to be simple and comfortable. They sometimes require painful dialogue that’s kept honest by good faith and a willingness to engage without harming (or, at least, doing as little harm as possible).

Why the CBC’s Amanda Lang Review is Horseshit

March 6, 2015

Yesterday, the CBC released its review of Senior Business Correspondent Amanda Lang. It stinks. Let us count the ways…

How an Ugly Feud Between Two Reporters Might Change Parliament’s Press Gallery Forever

February 24, 2015

“Do you have a case you can cite as the reason why you launched this? Is there anything that’s happened?” asked Carol Off on yesterday’s As It Happens, in an interview with Press Gallery President and CBC News politics writer Laura Payton.

“No.” answered Payton.

CANADALAND has learned that this is not accurate.

The Larry’s Gulch Visitor Logs from 2008-2014

February 20, 2015

Here they are. The Larry’s Gulch fishing logs from 2008 to 2014.

What the Hell is Going on in New Brunswick?

February 17, 2015

So what the hell is going on in New Brunswick?

Two senior editors at the Moncton Times and Transcript have been sacked after CANADALAND started asking questions about one of them- Murray Guy. Turns out that Guy covertly traveled to Larry’s Gulch, a remote, goverment owned fishing resort to meet with the head of New Brunswick’s government-owned Liquor company.

Top Editors at Irving Papers Under Investigation Amid Questions from CANADALAND

February 15, 2015

According to multiple sources at the company, three senior editors at Brunswick News Inc (BNI) are under investigation in the midst of CANADALAND inquiries into the news org’s relationship with the Government of New Brunswick.

Everyone at Sun News Deserved to be Fired

February 13, 2015

As the world wrestled this week with the role Islamophobia played in the slaying of three innocent North Carolina students, Sun News Network’s The Source aired the latest in host Ezra Levant’s cartoonishly hateful series “The Arab Underground.”

Thankfully, it will be the last in the series because, as of this morning, the most trusted name in bigotry is gone. Sun News Network has shut down.

Toronto Star’s Head of Investigations Stands by HPV Story

February 12, 2015

Kevin Donovan, the Toronto Star’s Investigative Editor, defends the paper’s HPV vaccine reporting in a statement provided to CANADALAND.

As Serious as Cancer: The Star’s HPV Fail According to “Bathwater Gargler”Julia Belluz

February 11, 2015

The next episode of CANADALAND (Monday, Feb.16) will include a feature chat with Julia Belluz, the health reporter who Toronto Star Editor-in-Chief Michael Cooke told to “stop drinking his bathwater” when she questioned him about their flawed front-page investigation into the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Star publisher John Cruikshank has since told the CBC that his paper “failed” in the reporting of this story, and that he and Cooke take responsibility. At this time, The Star has not corrected or retracted their story, and Michael Cooke has not apologized to Julia Belluz.

The following is an excerpt from the upcoming interview with Belluz.

The Toronto Star’s HPV Reporting is a Disaster

February 10, 2015

The Star’s reporting downplayed or ignored basic facts and failed in its journalistic responsibility to cover matters of health and science objectively, or at least competently. It should be a future study in bad health reporting.