NOT SORRY: Peacock Pose

April 3, 2016

It feels like ages since we had a National Conversation (trademark pending).

Ghomeshi Judge’s Son Works for Marie Henein’s Brother

March 30, 2016

Marie Henein’s brother and Justice William Horkins’ son work at the same firm, Cassels Brock, CANADALAND has learned. To our knowledge, this relationship was not publicly disclosed before the Ghomeshi trial began.

Outside of Canada, Media has a Different Take on Ghomeshi

March 28, 2016

Canadians weren’t the only ones watching last week’s Ghomeshi verdict. The trial made international headlines, but those writing about it abroad had a very different perspective on the verdict and ruling than that of our news media.

NOT SORRY: Everything Is Bad (Puppies Inside)

March 27, 2016

Would you believe this was the first week of spring?

CBC Internal Memo Short on Promises to Re-fund News With New Money

March 23, 2016

Yesterday’s federal budget included investing $675 million over five years into the CBC. The broadcaster will receive the first, $75-million round of funding this year and $150 million every year following. An internal memo obtained by CANADALAND sheds some light on how the CBC plans to spend the new dollars. Notable journalistic commitments are investing into digital bureous across the country and bettering international coverage with “pocket bureaus.”
Here’s the full memo:
All staff Senior management message Finance Strategy 2020 
You have of course seen by now that as part of Budget 2016, the Government of Canada has announced an important reinvestment in Canada’s public broadcaster; an additional $75M this year and $150M for the following four years.
This reinvestment is a tremendous vote of confidence by government and by Canadians in our programs and our services; in the work you, our CBCers and Radio-Canadiens, do every day. You are the ones who are ensuring that public broadcasting thrives in the digital age.
I know it hasn’t been easy. Every broadcaster has been grappling with this digital shift, but because of your efforts, we are making tremendous progress. Your resilience and commitment is paying off. You are creating a closer connection with Canadians, on every platform, on every device they own. One example: the number of people using our digital services each month has grown by three million in the past year alone.
Now, we have the multiyear funding commitment we have been asking for. This stability means we can continue our digital transformation and invest in the programs and services important to Canadians. We can build for the future.
For the past several months, we have been looking at our most important priorities should additional funding become available. Our senior executive team and I would like to share more details of our plans with you in the coming weeks. Until then, here’s an overview of where we’re going.
As you know, our goal is that even more Canadians value the programs we offer, and use our services more often throughout their day. To do that, we will continue to develop new content and new ways to share that content with them. We will strengthen our transformation to the digital environment. We will reinvest in key areas, like creating more original programs so we can reduce the number of repeats on our schedules. We’ll also do more to support what we call signature events; important events which bring Canadians together. The upcoming 150th anniversary of Confederation is a good example. We will build on our award-winning aboriginal programming, and we will invest in new projects and experiments like the ones coming from the excellent Idea Accelerator/Accélérateur d’idées.
We will look to strengthen our regional coverage, including creating a digital presence in select local markets with no current CBC/Radio-Canada service, so that Canadians can be better-informed about what’s going on in their communities. We would like to enhance our international coverage in news including scalable “pocket bureaus”, and we will ensure we can get our journalists in hot spots faster and for longer. This will improve our ability to provide a Canadian perspective on world events.
We will keep our focus on the future. We can’t reset the clock back to 2012. Additional resources do not change the fact that we must continue to partner with independent producers; to make sure you can work in a modern environment that helps you to do your best; to be smarter in the way we operate so that we can invest more in the content Canadians expect from us. And there will be new jobs for people who can help us create that new content.
We will be at the heart of some important events this year. This summer we will share with Canadians the joy of seeing their athletes compete with the best of the world at the Olympics in Rio. In September, CBC/Radio-Canada will host public broadcasters from around the world in Montreal for this year’s Public Broadcasters International conference. This will be a good opportunity for them to learn more about our digital transformation. And most of you are already working on great programing ideas to help Canadians celebrate the 150th anniversary next year.
Better days ahead!

Are the Liberals About to Give Bell a Monopoly on Internet Access?

March 23, 2016

Last July, the CRTC said Bell couldn’t have a monopoly on its new fibreoptic infrastructure. It would have to sell access to other providers to encourage competition. Bell was given 90 days after the July 22 ruling to appeal the decision. They filed the appeal on the last possible day — Oct. 20, the day after Justin Trudeau’s Liberals were swept into power.

NOT SORRY: MansbridgeMightBeMyDad33

March 20, 2016

the Trudeau equivalent of putting his foot down your throat

Retired Theatre Critic Returns as Advertorial Writer

March 17, 2016

On Dec. 21, the Toronto Star’s veteran theatre critic Richard Ouzounian retired after 15 years at the paper. Three weeks later, on Jan. 9, the Star ran a full-page advertorial for Mirvish Productions with Ouzounian’s byline.

Independent Journalist Blocked From Ontario Legislature After CANADALAND Interview

March 14, 2016

After appearing on CANADALAND to speak about being denied access to the Ontario legislature, reporter Allison Smith was once again not allowed to watch Question Period — until she tweeted about being barred from the legislature.

NOT SORRY: Trudeau Thirst Week

March 13, 2016

she could not answer the question because she had gum in her mouth