Sikh Perspective Too Often Missing From Canadian Coverage Of Sikhs

March 15, 2018

Some veteran reporters show outright hostility, as if their 30-year-old notes have finally become topical again, and they can dust them off for one more go.

All The Mistakes We Made In 2017

March 8, 2018

A year’s worth of corrections and clarifications in one helpful place!

CANADALAND 2017 Transparency Report

March 8, 2018

Here’s how we spent our supporters’ money last year.

Twitter Users Suspended After Calling Canadian Senator A “Twatwaffle”

March 5, 2018

Posts about Conservative Senator Denise Batters appear to have led to the permanent banning of @canadiancynic, the formerly ubiquitous tweeter with the Brian Griffin avatar.

“Fine, Don’t Take It, That’s Your Choice. Don’t Work.”

February 21, 2018

Journalism schools shouldn’t tell students to throw their values out the window — especially when it comes to working for state-funded propaganda outlets.

Untangling The Reporting On Patrick Brown

February 16, 2018

CANADALAND has learned new details about a third accuser whose allegations CTV chose not to report, more about the alleged victims’ relationships with CTV reporters, and an ostensible witness that Patrick Brown hoped to bring to his press conference

Confessions Of A Former Toronto Star Intern

February 16, 2018

I fear the famed program ruined as many potential talents as it helped create.

Toronto Star Suspending Internship Programs Indefinitely

February 13, 2018

Other cuts announced Monday include the elimination of most travel by sports and entertainment reporters

Gerald Stanley And The Fear Of The “Indian”

February 10, 2018

In newspapers, films, TV, and books, white Canadians are taught to see Indigenous people as animals.

New Brunswick Student Paper Laughs Off Critics Of Nazi Op-Ed

January 30, 2018

Baron editor-in-chief tells CANADALAND she’s “not groovy” with suggestion that editing involves judgment