Sun And Star Out Sex Worker

December 18, 2018

The Sun also got the story wrong in its front-page headline

Saint John Deputy Mayor Wants Ban On “Negative” News

December 14, 2018

If you don’t have anything nice to report, find a way to make it positive!

Ontario Proud’s Election Advertising Was Mostly Funded By Developers

December 11, 2018

Nearly all the funds received by the “grassroots” group came from several large corporate donors

New Federal Initiatives For Canadian Journalism

November 21, 2018

“Bailouts for all!” BOOOO. “Very well — no bailouts for anyone!” BOOOO. “Hmm… credits for some…. official donation receipts for others!”

How The Kielburgers Handle The Press

November 19, 2018

A history of aggressive responses to criticism

Are Student Journalists “Real” Journalists?

October 22, 2018

Young reporters describe stark differences in treatment depending on where they’re working

Craig Kielburger Founded WE To Fight Child Labour. Now The WE Brand Promotes Products Made By Children.

October 15, 2018

A CANADALAND investigation reveals that WE is connected to no fewer than three companies known to use child and slave labour in their supply chain.

All Of WE’s Answers To CANADALAND (And Letters From Their Lawyers)

October 15, 2018

In the course of investigating the WE organization for his feature story, Jaren Kerr approached WE for comment 19 days before publication. In total, WE sent CANADALAND over 100 pages of information.

Maker Of Patrick Brown Conspiracy Videos Was Handed $10,000 Cheque By Patrick Brown Associate

October 4, 2018

Anti-feminist vlogger Diana Davison was quietly hired to conduct “research” into allegations against Brown