A new book by Richard Stursberg reveals that the plan to offer a labour tax credit for news media has its origins in a Rogers-commissioned report, a dinner with Paul Godfrey, and research funded by industry players
Former Rob Ford chief of staff Mark Towhey will be replacing James Wallace, who left to become deputy chief of staff for Doug Ford
Imagine how different our country would be if newspaper columns and TV panels weren’t dominated by former political staffers and lobbyists
Yet people who should know better keep sharing their stuff
Proud Boys founder started new account for alter ego “Miles McInnes”
Corporate giant Quebecor should be held to account for the content that its outlets regularly peddle
As the newspaper celebrates its 175th birthday, we offer an alternative history, from fascism to plagiarism
There are Indigenous people out there trying to get real issues covered, but the media just wants hear us rant about statues, mascots, and gin