How Postmedia Has Pushed Islamophobic Attitudes Across Ontario

June 9, 2021

“Canadians fear the arrival of Islamic radicals bringing anti-West values,” read one column in The London Free Press

How One Journalist Is Changing The Narrative Of The Nova Scotia Massacre

June 7, 2021

“If you’re going to label me a conspiracy theorist, so be it,” Paul Palango says. “Because I’m proving my story as I go along.”

Toronto Star Columnist’s Homeless Cosplay Experiment is Journalistic Malpractice

June 1, 2021

Rosie DiManno goes undercover to become a poverty tourist

What It’s Like When Police Try To Keep You From Reporting

May 31, 2021

At Fairy Creek, RCMP efforts to restrict media can devolve into theatre of the absurd

The Canadian Company Hosting the Far Right

May 26, 2021

There’s a new home for the worst people on the internet.

How Bilingualism Promotes The Mediocre

May 19, 2021

Having to learn another language (or two) shallows the talent pool for the public sector

The Rebel Retracts Fake Vaccination Story

May 18, 2021

The far-right website posts a false letter from Suncor about mandatory vaccination 

“Undeniable”: Sexual Misconduct in the Military

May 17, 2021

Women in the Canadian Armed Forces have been going on the record about sexual assault and harassment for nearly a quarter century. Why has so little changed?

Digital Startups Are Breathing Life Into Canadian Journalism

May 12, 2021

Indigenous-led independent media is leading the way

“I am a human, not an animal”

May 10, 2021

In Canada, migrant care workers are trapped in a system that creates “purposeful inequality.” COVID has only made it worse.