Canadaland’s 2020 Transparency Report

July 15, 2021

Here’s how we spent our supporters’ money last year

How the NYT pushed Canada to confront one of its biggest tech companies

July 12, 2021

A sex-worker advocate puts the Pornhub “hysteria” in context

How a Conservative Radio Host Came to Accept that He is a Settler

July 8, 2021

Charles Adler on learning about and living with Canada’s legacy of Residential Schools

A glimpse into a local-news content factory

July 5, 2021

“You were encouraged to talk to the least amount of people as possible” when reporting a story, says a former Black Press journalist

Canadian Media Focuses Foreign Correspondents in the West. Here’s Why They Shouldn’t

July 2, 2021

Newsrooms must move beyond their idea of the “Canadian audience.”

The owner of a Canadian newspaper who “wound up dead in a Chinese prison”

June 28, 2021

Ian Young shares the strange story of media titan Li Bolun

Who is Indigenous?

June 21, 2021

An anonymous document purporting to expose fake Indigenous people at Queen’s University raises more questions than it answers. And it may only be the beginning.

Former Beijing Correspondent: Why Only One Woman of Colour in 62 Years?

June 19, 2021

“I’m really angry about all this time that I ended up being a one-time-only exception to the white male parade,” says Jan Wong

What NXIVM’s Recruitment Pitch Looked Like

June 14, 2021

And why it probably wouldn’t have worked on someone like Jesse Brown