Category: Uncategorized

Women Editors are Fleeing the Globe and Mail

July 2, 2015

The Globe and Mail has a problem with women. The problem is, women keep quitting.

Rosemary Barton is the Hero We Deserve

June 25, 2015

Rosemary Barton is the host that Evan Solomon never could be. She actually asks good questions, she’s not obsessed with her own dumb slogans. Just make her the permanent host of Power & Politics, please.

Did Raekwon Loot Canada for an $11,000 Music Grant?

June 23, 2015

FACTOR, the granting body for Canadian musicians, funded in large part by the Government of Canada, seems to have had its grant system exploited by a founding member of New York’s Wu-Tang Clan.

The Media’s Disgusting Racism and Shameful Betrayal of Laura Robinson

June 22, 2015

Over forty Native Canadians swear that John Furlong was a racist, violent bully who made the lives of children a living hell. Does The National Post think they’re all liars?

That Time I Took on Toronto’s Sexist Restaurant Industry

June 18, 2015

Toronto restaurant Weslodge today issued an apology (of sorts) for what former pastry-chef Kate Burnham describes as chronic, tolerated, sexual harassment in their kitchen.

Inspired by Burnham’s bravery, I started to let loose on Twitter.

Ezra Levant’s Goons Threw Me Out of His “Open, Non-Partisan, Public” Meeting

June 16, 2015

I’d become somewhat of a thorn in Levant’s side, it was my possession of the only recording of his racist anti-Roma tirade after Sun News thought they’d effectively purged it from existence – a recording which aided in forcing him to, again, issue a grovelling apology – which cemented his disdain for me.

And perhaps explains why the self-described “fearless Rebel Commander” is so, utterly terrified of me.

University of Toronto Boasts about Homeless Star Student

June 15, 2015

In what world is a top university student having to live in a homeless shelter treated like a success story? Welcome to Canada in 2015.

Barbara Amiel Goes Full Racist

June 4, 2015

Barbara Amiel wrote one of the most appalling and bizarrely worded instructional columns on black uplift ever produced at the ends of white fingertips.

Hockey’s Rape Culture

June 3, 2015

A short chronicle of recent allegations of sexual abuse in junior hockey provides the following: the Gatineau Olympique with one incident involving six players at a Boston Pizza (no charges laid) and another involving four players in a Quebec City hotel (investigation continues); the ongoing investigation of the Cobourg Cougars for multiple sexual assaults involving multiple females at a party; two U of Ottawa players charged with sexual assault after an incident in Thunder Bay, Stratford Cullitons’ Mitch Vanergunst convicted of sexual assault while Windsor Spitfires’ Ben Johnson returns to court this month as his sexual assault trial continues. And that’s only a quick Google search.

Is Maclean’s Hiding Barbara Amiel’s “Negro Patois” Column from the Internet?

June 3, 2015

Two weeks ago Maclean’s Magazine published a column by a British Baronness in which she used the word “negro” to describe black people, whom she described collectively as a “heap,” with Barack Obama at the top and “an inert black underclass” at the bottom.

The article, titled “Class, Not Race, is America’s Real Problem” is an actual, unironic thing that ran in a mainstream Canadian newsmagazine in 2015.

But you won’t find it online. Unlike the rest of Maclean’s content and every other Barbara Amiel column, the piece was not posted online following its appearnce in the print edition.