Move seen as “serious threat to press freedom” in Canada
On matters of surveillance, source protection, and access to information, there are concrete things the government could be doing but isn’t.
Actual expert calls BS on J.J. McCullough’s claims on last week’s Short Cuts
The Conservative leadership hopeful regularly big-ups his candidacy on CNBC spots.
The Shattered Mirror omits crucial context in reporting on BuzzFeed poll data
When asked for proof of the supposed threats, Ezra Levant called our reporter a “sexist pig.”
Here’s what we messed up last year.
Here’s how we spent our supporters’ money in 2016.
Company blames now-resolved “technical glitch” but won’t say how long the issue lasted
When Muslims and their allies believe that a white supremacist is responsible for a tragedy, it’s because they want hate crimes taken seriously. When the far right hopes a Muslim is responsible, it’s because of bigotry. It is not about two sides trying to score points.