Category: Uncategorized

CBC Repurposes Advertisement As Programming

March 28, 2018

A recent radio documentary on assisted dying was originally produced for a company that sells customer-support software.

Facebook Still Doesn’t Get It

March 23, 2018

Their PR rep may have felt they were reaching out in good faith, but the company can no longer be assumed to be in good faith with the public at all.

The Most Important TV Show In Quebec Has No Equivalent In English Canada

March 22, 2018

Each episode of Tout le monde en parle is a cultural event, and it can make or break a politician

University Of Toronto Should Rescind Faith Goldy’s Student Leadership Award, Say Past Winners

March 20, 2018

Letter to U of T Alumni Association describes the former Rebel personality as a “prominent writer and commentator in the white nationalist movement.”

Torstar Owns Company Running Dozens Of American Gun Forums

March 20, 2018

VerticalScope removed the full list of firearms-related properties from its site shortly after being contacted by CANADALAND.

Sikh Perspective Too Often Missing From Canadian Coverage Of Sikhs

March 15, 2018

Some veteran reporters show outright hostility, as if their 30-year-old notes have finally become topical again, and they can dust them off for one more go.

All The Mistakes We Made In 2017

March 8, 2018

A year’s worth of corrections and clarifications in one helpful place!

CANADALAND 2017 Transparency Report

March 8, 2018

Here’s how we spent our supporters’ money last year.

Twitter Users Suspended After Calling Canadian Senator A “Twatwaffle”

March 5, 2018

Posts about Conservative Senator Denise Batters appear to have led to the permanent banning of @canadiancynic, the formerly ubiquitous tweeter with the Brian Griffin avatar.

“Fine, Don’t Take It, That’s Your Choice. Don’t Work.”

February 21, 2018

Journalism schools shouldn’t tell students to throw their values out the window — especially when it comes to working for state-funded propaganda outlets.