Young reporters describe stark differences in treatment depending on where they’re working
A CANADALAND investigation reveals that WE is connected to no fewer than three companies known to use child and slave labour in their supply chain.
In the course of investigating the WE organization for his feature story, Jaren Kerr approached WE for comment 19 days before publication. In total, WE sent CANADALAND over 100 pages of information.
Anti-feminist vlogger Diana Davison was quietly hired to conduct “research” into allegations against Brown
Here is the necessary context for covering the neo-Nazi sympathizer and her candidacy for mayor of Toronto
Had The New York Review of Books bothered to look into Ghomeshi’s claims before publishing his essay, this is what they would have learned
After The New York Times published its exposé on the comedian, TIFF scrubbed traces of a love-in at the 2017 festival.
In 2014, the Toronto International Film Festival turned down An Open Secret. Now, its makers wonder whether the festival may have played a part in upholding Hollywood’s culture of silence.
“I think you can make an argument that the president should never be off the record. Everything he says is newsworthy.”