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Taxi drivers: “Chess masters of their own lives”

A new book considers the “practical genius” of Canada’s cabbies

All Our 2020 Corrections And Clarifications

Gathered together in one helpful place!

Canadaland’s 2020 Transparency Report

Here’s how we spent our supporters’ money last year

How the NYT pushed Canada to confront one of its biggest tech companies

A sex-worker advocate puts the Pornhub “hysteria” in context

A glimpse into a local-news content factory

“You were encouraged to talk to the least amount of people as possible” when reporting a story, says a former Black Press journalist

The owner of a Canadian newspaper who “wound up dead in a Chinese prison”

Ian Young shares the strange story of media titan Li Bolun

How One Journalist Is Changing The Narrative Of The Nova Scotia Massacre

“If you’re going to label me a conspiracy theorist, so be it,” Paul Palango says. “Because I’m proving my story as I go along.”

“I am a human, not an animal”

In Canada, migrant care workers are trapped in a system that creates “purposeful inequality.” COVID has only made it worse.

“It was like it never happened”

That time the Ontario government paid a group of women to cut themselves off, smoke punishing amounts of cannabis, and weave belts

“Organized Resistance” To Prioritizing Indigenous Vaccinations

Some of the people responsible for booking vaccinations aren’t recognizing the policies for racialized people.