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What happens when a “Safe Third Country” is no longer safe?

As the U.S. becomes an increasingly harsh place to claim asylum, Canada is telling more people than ever that that’s where they ought to go

Down the Rabbit Hole: The Story of the UVic Bunnies

The University of Victoria got rid of its rabbits. Then the problems started elsewhere.

Sen. Paula Simons “unhopeful” about plan to make Google and Facebook pay for news

Government should’ve focused on “insane corporate concentration,” she says, rather than the notion the platforms are “stealing” content

“I thought this would be about hope. But we’re not at a point of hope yet.”

Instead, canadaLANDBACK offers Indigenous women’s stories of resilience

The unravelling of “Buy Black Birchtown”

How a plan to create a BIPOC retreat in Nova Scotia went off the rails

That time the RCMP taped themselves planning a “smear campaign”

The new canadaLANDBACK looks at how the Canadian state lost the PR war at Kanesatake, and vowed to never do so again

How a “scarcity mindset” leads to infighting between marginalized groups

“We never get jealous of the people who get all the air space,” explains Emilie Nicolas. “We get jealous of the person who gets a crumb a little bit bigger than ours.”

The Best and Worst Tweets of 2022

What a weird country

Every food bank is a policy failure

And Canada is weird in venerating them

“What if Reconciliation’s not a warm hug?”

The newest instalment of canadaLANDBACK contemplates a future of increasingly radical resistance to colonization