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An Awkward Conversation With The Author Of That “Halloween Ethno-police” Piece

There was something that didn’t quite track about Kate Jaimet’s story.

Barbara Amiel Goes Full Racist

Barbara Amiel wrote one of the most appalling and bizarrely worded instructional columns on black uplift ever produced at the ends of white fingertips.

Dear White Editors: Invite Someone Out for a Coffee

There are pragmatists and social climbers in every group, but the idea that nonwhite cultures mostly value moneymaking above breaking into the field of journalism is absurd. We want to clip our sons and daughters’ articles out of magazines and frame them. We want them to work from the inside, hopefully to change perceptions about us.

Thanks for Explaining Racism to me, White People!

Robert Fulford, like the many other white, male writers engaged in perpetual war with their timeless enemy called “political correctness,” seems unable to fathom that conversations on racism are not meant to be simple and comfortable. They sometimes require painful dialogue that’s kept honest by good faith and a willingness to engage without harming (or, at least, doing as little harm as possible).